Is It Time for a House Makeover?

Is it time for a home makeover?
Is it time for a home makeover?

A clean house is like a perfect getaway every day. Nothing compares to the comfort of a clean house, you know this good feeling where you anticipate leaving a stressful day at work to join the comfort of your sweet scented house. All this luxury doesn’t come by itself without some effort from you. Having a clean house gives you self confidence and improves your self esteem; it’s just like wearing a new designer dress. Cleaning your house isn’t half the task as trying to maintain it, many of you agree with this? If you have kids cleaning your house and keeping it that way feels like mission impossible, right?

Here are some tips to keeping the house clean

• Always make your bed; kids will always follow your lead if your bedroom is always clean baby will want to be like mummy. Teach your kids how to make the bed.

• Fold your clothes; after cleaning your clothes don’t just dump them in your closet. Always sort them out and store according to how frequently you wear them. Also separate the clean from the dirty by putting dirty laundry in a basket and clean them after two days depending on the load.

• Leave sticky notes; these notes seem childish but they save me a lot. Just stick a reminder on the kitchen counter asking you to always wipe it after every meal. It will surprise you how well the kitchen will always be sparkles.

• Clean the bathroom; just like the kitchen the bathroom needs steady and constant attention. A dirty bathroom is the worst scenario in a home. Always clean the toilet seat at least once in two days. The bathroom sinks also need some attention every now and then.

• Remove your shoes before entering the house; shoes are generally dirty and having a shoe rack just at your door will help solve all the dusty and muddy messes the shoes bring inside the house. If you hate being barefoot get slippers that are for use only in the house.

• Always sort out your mail; papers lying around isn’t exactly a good view, therefore always read your mail or put them in a lockable drawer and sort them out later when you have the time.

I know these tips will help your house look better with time, it’s not necessarily a spontaneous process but making these tips a habit will get you the perfect results!